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Listos: Are You Ready?
Listos (Spanish for "ready") is the State of California program for emergency preparedness.
There are five steps:
1. Get alerts to know what to do:​​
Ventura County: or
LA County: or
LA City:
2. Make a plan to protect your people​
Is your home disaster-ready?
How do you communicate without cell phones?
Are there special needs or circumstances to think about?
3. Get to safety with things you need
Do you have an evacuation plan?
Do you have a go-bag?
Do you know what to grab on your way out?
4. Stay safe at home when you can't leave
Are you prepared for 3 days without water or power?
How much water will you need?
How do you stay clean and sanitary?
5. Help friends and neighbors get ready
Does your neighborhood have a plan?
Who may need extra help with home planning?
Who may need extra help during an emergency?
For guidelines and resources, click here

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